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Annual Parish Meeting:  Held on the third Sunday of January.


Lent - Ashes to Go:   Blessed Ashes are distributed in the circular front driveway for those who are unable to attend services inside the church. 


Celebrate the Blueberry Festival and Vendor Sale:  Held in July.  Featured are homemade blueberry waffle breakfast, baked goods, 50/50 raffle and more.  Homemade blueberry pies!  Many Vendors.  Two floors of tables.   The event runs from 9 am to 2 pm.


Blessing of the Animals:  (in honor of St Francis, patron saint of animals and the environment).  The event is free.  Bring your pets and donations for needy animals. More information to follow.





Church of the Holy Spirit                      (Episcopal)

220 E. Main Street

P.O. Box 174>Tuckerton NJ 08087 >




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