ECW Women

Installation of 2020 ECW Officers

2020 ECW Officers & Fr. Muller & Donna Freidel, Pres. Diocese
Episcopal Church Women's purpose is to assist the women of the church in carrying out Christ's work of reconciliation in the world and to take their place as leaders in the life, governance and worship in the Episcopal Church.
Our vision for all women of the Episcopal Church is that we become a vibrant blend of all ages, coming together as an example of Christ’s love. All women at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church are invited to join this ministry.
These women are some of the busiest ladies in town. Their activities include pot luck dinners, crazy Bingo, monthly card and game parties, weekly craft sessions, senior HS scholarship fund raising and collecting for the UTO (United Thank Offering). One of their special projects supplied over 200 nursing home residents with homemade lap robes, walker bags and shawls and a host of edible Christmas treats. Our ECW is involved in the following projects at Holy Spirit: Meadowview Nursing Home, Manahawkin Nursing Home and Mystic Meadows Nursing Facility; coordinate the parish Christmas dinner, spearhead the church’s scholarship fund and the United Thank Offering. Holy Spirit Episcopal Church is blessed by the ministry of all of the women of the parish who give so freely of their time and talents. It is with prayer and devotion that we serve our Lord.
Officers 2024

Marguerite Boneski, Pres.

Marguerite Laffey Vice Pres.

Grace O'Connor, Treasurer