The following resources are available for more information regarding the Episcopal Church in New Jersey, in the United States and throughout the world.
The official home page of the Diocese of New Jersey can be found at www.dioceseofnj.org
The Official Website of The Episcopal Church in the United States can be found at www.episcopalchurch.org
Episcopal Relief & Development is the compassionate response of the Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world. Hearing God's goal to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development seeks to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world. For more information or to contribute go to www.episcopalrelief.org
The Worldwide Anglican Communion is the official home page of the offices of the Anglican Communion in London, England. The website provides documents, statements and publications as well as the Anglican Communion News Service and excerpts from its official magazine, Anglican World. To visit the site go to www.anglicancommunion.org
Forward Movement is an official, non-profit agency whose mission is to reinvigorate the Episcopal Church day by day. Sign up for daily meditations, delivered to your email inbox or Facebook page. Visit the site at www.forwardmovement.org