We pray for the healing of all those whose names we hold in our heart. Comfort and heal all those who are in pain or sorrow or any kind of trouble. May we, who have known sorrow, pain and trouble, show them mercy and compassion and remind them of the hope we have in Christ.
Lord in Your mercy, Hear our Prayer.
We acknowledge our mortality before you, Everlasting God, and we rejoice in the hope of being raised with You Christ. We remember before you the lives of our forebearers. May they find, in you, rest from their labors.
Incline your ear to us.
SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES: We pray for the protection of all those serving in the Armed Forces, including Nick Wyatt, Tristin Pharo, Tyler Sharpo, Jason Spedding, Tyler Sprague, Dru Lansing, Brendon Eastman, Eric Lyhne.
HOMEBOUND OR IN LONG TERM CARE: Carol., Mary Jo, Hilda, Evelyn, Donna, Emily, Barbara G, Anne G, Anne M, Sally.
Would you like us to pray for you? Do you have news for the community? Call the Parish Office at 609-296-9618