Monthly Community Dinner: Begun in 2008, this popular outreach project serves to feed the body and soul, with a hearty meal and good fellowship. Our numbers have increased and we are ministering to groups over 80.
Food Pantry: Holy Spirit collects canned and dry goods to help stock a nearby food pantry throughout the year. Several of our members volunteer at the food pantry and one of our Vestry members is a Director of the food pantry.
Family Promise: Our church is a support church in the Southern Ocean County Family Promise program. One of our members serves on the Board and as the Treasurer. Another is on the fundraising committee. We have an informal role as substitute hosts and food providers. We also provide overnight support. We have begun a program of preparing housewarming baskets for families who move into homes and our Spirited Stitchers made afghans for several Family Promise participants.
Outreach to the Elderly: We have a team of trained Lay Eucharistic Visitors. The members visit Seacrest Village on a regular basis to bring Eucharist from our Sunday table. Homebound members receive Eucharistic visits when requested.
Food Pantry Community Garden: Volunteers from Holy Spirit and the community support a community garden in the area to the rear of the Food Pantry Building on South Green Street. Planting, maintaining and harvesting the garden provides fresh produce to those in need through the Food Pantry this summer.
Vicar's Discretionary Fund: At the Vicar's discretion, these monies are used for those in need.
Community Groups: Among the community groups meeting in our church facility are: Cub Scouts (several dens), Girl Scouts (7 troops), Double Trouble (recovery/mental health), Bellarine Theater Company, AARP, AA and District AA.
Interfaith Health and Support Services: Holy Spirit has supported this interdenominational, non-profit group both financially and in manpower. Volunteers provide transportation and assistance to the homebound, the elderly and those needing respite care.